now works on Windows and X11 (well, not quite; I have to fix an unrelated bug in the X11 backend), and so it's almost ready to merge.My main reference for Pango was the API documentation on Conceptually, Pango is quite similar to Core Text, but there are some important differences I will outline below. Pango supports two primary rendering backends; Xft and Cairo. I use the Cairo backend to render to a Cairo offscreen surface, and make an OpenGL texture out of it.
Cairo offscreen surfaces and OpenGL
When I wrote the code to create an offscreen Cairo surface, and wrap the result in a Factor bitmap
object, the code turned out to look almost identical to a similar utility I cooked up for Core Graphics. So as any self-respecting programmer, I factored this duplication out into a images.memory
vocabulary.First, we have some code to allocate unmanaged memory for the bitmap data. This memory is unmanaged because Cairo (and Core Graphics) retain a pointer to it, and so it must not be moved by a GC:
: bitmap-size ( dim -- n ) product "uint" heap-size * ;
: malloc-bitmap-data ( dim -- alien ) bitmap-size 1 calloc &free ;
Note that destructors are used to ensure the memory is deallocated later. Now, we have some code copy data out of the unmanaged memory and into a Factor byte array, and wrap it in a bitmap image object:
: bitmap-data ( alien dim -- data ) bitmap-size memory>byte-array ;
: <bitmap-image> ( alien dim -- image )
[ bitmap-data ] keep
swap >>dim
swap >>bitmap ;
Putting everything together into a combinator:
: make-memory-bitmap ( dim quot -- image )
[ malloc-bitmap-data ] keep _ [ <bitmap-image> ] 2bi
] with-destructors ; inline
So the quotation receives the image dimensions and a pointer to some unmanaged memory.
On the Cairo side, I have a word to create an offscreen bitmap:
: width>stride ( width -- stride ) "uint" heap-size * ; inline
: <image-surface> ( data dim -- surface )
[ CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 ] dip first2 over width>stride
dup check-surface ;
: <cairo> ( surface -- cairo ) cairo_create dup check-cairo ; inline
And then I use
together with this word to define a new make-bitmap-image
combinator:: make-bitmap-image ( dim quot -- image )
<image-surface> &cairo_surface_destroy
<cairo> &cairo_destroy
] make-memory-bitmap
BGRA >>component-order ; inline
This combinator makes the Cairo binding very pleasant to use. Once Factor's image library supports some more formats -- PNG comes to mind -- it will be possible to render some graphics in a web app and serve it up as a PNG to the client. Of course Cairo can write PNGs already, so alternatively someone could write a high-level wrapper for those APIs instead.
So the Pango text backend makes Pango calls inside a
, then passes the result to the OpenGL texture caching code I talked about last time.Fixed-point and floating-point numbers
Pango uses fixed-point arithmetic for sub-pixel co-ordinates. I convert everything to and from floats when calling Pango using a pair of words:
: pango>float ( n -- x ) PANGO_SCALE /f ; inline
: float>pango ( x -- n ) PANGO_SCALE * >integer ; inline
For example, here is some code to convert a fixed-point
into a Factor rect
type:C-STRUCT: PangoRectangle
{ "int" "x" }
{ "int" "y" }
{ "int" "width" }
{ "int" "height" } ;
: PangoRectangle>rect ( PangoRectangle -- rect )
[ [ PangoRectangle-x pango>float ] [ PangoRectangle-y pango>float ] bi 2array ]
[ [ PangoRectangle-width pango>float ] [ PangoRectangle-height pango>float ] bi 2array ] bi
<rect> ;
UTF8 strings and string offsets
The documentation for a few functions, such as
, uses the following phrase: "the byte index for the grapheme in which the user clicked." What they really mean is the index of the first code point comprising the grapheme the user clicked, inside the UTF8-encoded string that you passed in when creating the layout.This works well in languages such as C and Ruby 1.8 where a string is just an array of UTF8-encoded bytes, but in Factor, strings are an abstract sequence of Unicode code points with the actual internal encoding hidden from the developer. The Factor FFI takes care of encoding and decoding strings for you, but in this case, I want to convert code point indices to byte indices and this requires some work.
Consider a Unicode string such as "παν語". This string has 4 Unicode code points, so in Factor, it is a sequence of length 4. However, the UTF8 encoding of this string has 9 bytes:
π | 2 bytes |
α | 2 bytes |
ν | 2 bytes |
語 | 3 bytes |
So for example, byte index 4 corresponds to string index 2. To convert from a string index to a byte index, it suffices to take the head of the string, and UTF8 encode it, and look and the byte length of the result. Going in the other direction requires building a mapping from byte indices to string indices and doing a binary search on it. Here is the Factor code:
: code-point-length ( n -- x )
log2 {
{ [ dup 0 7 between? ] [ 1 ] }
{ [ dup 8 11 between? ] [ 2 ] }
{ [ dup 12 16 between? ] [ 3 ] }
{ [ dup 17 21 between? ] [ 4 ] }
} cond nip ;
: code-point-offsets ( string -- indices )
0 [ code-point-length + ] accumulate swap suffix ;
: utf8-index> ( n string -- n' )
code-point-offsets natural-search drop ;
: >utf8-index ( n string -- n' )
code-point-offsets nth ;
Note that
could've been written as 1string utf8 encode length
, but this implementation is slightly more efficient.Font descriptions
Pango has a pretty elaborate set of APIs for working with fonts. At this point, I only need the bare minimum, so I'm working with the
type. Font descriptions are allocated and deallocated using a pair of functions:FUNCTION: PangoFontDescription*
pango_font_description_new ( ) ;
pango_font_description_free ( PangoFontDescription* desc ) ;
DESTRUCTOR: pango_font_description_free
Unlike Core Text, which uses Apple's Core Foundation for memory management and thus every object is reference counted with
and CFRelease()
functions used to manage the reference count, Pango takes a more ad-hoc approach. Some objects are reference counted using GLib's gobject
support, others have their own refcounting, and others still just have a deallocation function without a reference count.Here is some code to create a
from a Factor font
instance:MEMO: (cache-font-description) ( font -- description )
[ pango_font_description_new |pango_font_description_free ] dip {
[ name>> pango_font_description_set_family ]
[ size>> float>pango pango_font_description_set_size ]
[ bold?>> PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL ? pango_font_description_set_weight ]
[ italic?>> PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL ? pango_font_description_set_style ]
[ drop ]
} 2cleave
] with-destructors ;
: cache-font-description ( font -- description )
strip-font-colors (cache-font-description) ;
Some things to note about the above code:
- I'm using memoization to cache font descriptions
- I use an on-error destructor (
) to ensure that the font description is deallocated if anything inside the block fails - Since Factor font instances store foreground and background colors, whereas Pango font descriptions do not, I don't want to pollute the cache with lots of duplicates where only the keys differ in color, so I strip the colors out first.
- Just like Core Text, Pango offers a lot more functionality than Factor's
objects can represent. I will look into exposing more of this functionality in a cross-platform manner over time.
Unlike Core Text, where font objects can be interrogated for metrics information, Pango's support for font metrics seems pretty simple in comparison; only getting the ascent and descent is supported, and the values reported here don't seem to match the text as it is actually rendered on-screen. Because of this, I only ever get metrics information from text layouts, and not from the fonts themselves, so creating font descriptions is the only thing I need to do here.
Just as with Core Text, Pango has a data type representing a set of glyphs which have been laid out and positioned; you never draw strings directly. This recognizes the fact that glyph selection when rendering Unicode is a complex process and should be done ahead of time. Whereas in Core Text, the fundamental data type for this is the
, Pango calls it a PangoLayout
. Unlike Core Text, a PangoLayout
can contain multiple lines of text, so it is more like a CTParagraph
than a CTLine
, but Factor's UI only renders single lines at a time so far.The Pango backend uses a tuple to store the Pango layout, a bitmap rendering, and several related values:
TUPLE: layout font string layout metrics ink-rect logical-rect image disposed ;
The first step is fill in the
slot, which stores a pointer to a PangoLayout
.Pango layouts can be created by calling
, however when using the Cairo backend it is better to use pango_cairo_create_layout()
instead. Once a layout has been created, you can set the text to render, and the font to render it with, by calling pango_layout_set_text()
and pango_layout_set_font_description()
.FUNCTION: PangoLayout*
pango_cairo_create_layout ( cairo_t* cr ) ;
pango_layout_set_text ( PangoLayout* layout, char* text, int length ) ;
pango_layout_set_font_description ( PangoLayout* layout, PangoFontDescription* desc ) ;
takes a null-terminated UTF8 string, so to avoid problems if the user accidentally passes in a string containing embedded nulls, I substitute all nulls for a zero-width non-breaking space.Here is the Factor code to create a Pango layout and set the text and font:
: set-layout-font ( font layout -- )
swap cache-font-description pango_layout_set_font_description ;
: set-layout-text ( str layout -- )
#! Replace nulls with something else since Pango uses null-terminated
#! strings
dup selection? [ string>> ] when
{ { 0 CHAR: zero-width-no-break-space } } substitute
-1 pango_layout_set_text ;
: <PangoLayout> ( text font -- layout )
dummy-cairo pango_cairo_create_layout |g_object_unref
[ set-layout-font ] keep
[ set-layout-text ] keep ;
Font metrics
Last time I blogged about how Core Text makes a distinction between image bounds and metric bounds. A similar situation exists in Pango; they're called ink and logical bounds. To get both bounds from a layout, use the
function.FUNCTION: void
pango_layout_get_extents ( PangoLayout* layout, PangoRectangle* ink_rect, PangoRectangle* logical_rect ) ;
I showed the code to convert a
into a Factor rect
above.To compute the ascent and descent, it suffices to compute one of them, since their sum is the height of the logical bounds. Since a Pango layout can contain multiple lines, getting a baseline involves getting an iterator, which iterates over lines, first.
FUNCTION: PangoLayoutIter*
pango_layout_get_iter ( PangoLayout* layout ) ;
Now, the baseline of the first line can be obtained from the iterator:
pango_layout_iter_get_baseline ( PangoLayoutIter* iter ) ;
Iterators must be deallocated using a special function.
pango_layout_iter_free ( PangoLayoutIter* iter ) ;
Here is the Factor code that puts it all together:
: layout-baseline ( layout -- baseline )
pango_layout_get_iter &pango_layout_iter_free
pango>float ;
Since I only ever create single-line layouts, the descent is easy to compute; it is the height of the logical bounds minus the ascent.
The other two relevant metrics are the x-height and cap-height metrics that I talked about in an earlier post. Pango doesn't provide a way to get these from the font itself, so I just measure them by hand:
: glyph-height ( font string -- y )
swap <PangoLayout> &g_object_unref layout-extents drop dim>> second ;
MEMO: missing-font-metrics ( font -- metrics )
#! Pango doesn't provide x-height and cap-height but Core Text does, so we
#! simulate them on Pango.
[ metrics new ] dip
[ "x" glyph-height >>x-height ]
[ "Y" glyph-height >>cap-height ] bi
] with-destructors ;
Rendering a layout
There are several steps involved in rendering text to a bitmap:
- Filling the background with the background color
- Filling the selection rectangle, if one is set
- Setting the foreground color
- Setting the text position
- Rendering the text layout
The only interesting part is setting the text position. In Core Text, text is drawn with the intersection of the baseline and the caret at the origin. Pango works differently here; the origin is the top-left corner of the text's logical bounds. Here is a screenshot illustrating the ink and logical bounds:

So we want to position the text so that the upper-left corner is at the origin relative to the logical bounds. Here is the Factor code to subtract the logical origin from the image origin:
: text-position ( layout -- loc )
[ logical-rect>> ] [ ink-rect>> ] bi [ loc>> ] bi@ v- ;
: set-text-position ( cr loc -- )
first2 cairo_move_to ;
Implementing Unicode text rendering via Core Text and Pango (and putting a cross-platform abstraction layer on top) was a fair amount of work, but now I've achieved one of my big goals for Factor 1.0, Unicode text rendering. There are still a few missing details before the Factor UI is truly Unicode-perfect, but this is an important step. Along with Daniel Ehrenberg's Unicode vocabulary and the large number of I/O encodings supported, Factor's Unicode support is better than most other languages, especially non-mainstream ones, and that is quite an accomplishment for a small team and a few years of work.
1 comment:
How about render unicode text of a font to svg file? here is a python script:
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