with-nesting ( style quot -- )
combinator takes a style specification hashtable and a quotation. It calls the quotation inside a nested scope where the default stream is rebound to a nested pane; the style information is applied to the pane, and the new pane is written to the current pane. The style information allows border colors, border width and word wrap to be specified. Here is a screenshot showing two examples; the first one is the entire text of Factor's README.txt with all line breaks removed output into a nested pane with word wrap enabled as one line, and the second is a word definition output into a nested pane with a border:
Note that word wrap works with proportional-width fonts too, not just monospaced fonts. Tomorrow I'm going to update the markup language that I developed a couple of weeks ago to support this new output stream protocol, and then I can start work on an article database with cross referencing. At some point I will also update the HTML stream in the HTTP server to support the new protocol. With these components in place, the help system will be done, and all that will remain is converting the documentation from LaTeX into this new markup language. The new documentation will be browsable online on the Factor web site, and also from within Factor in the UI.
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